Association Génération Twingo - French Forum
20 years
End ! (D + 4126)
News Event Location Date & Prices Registration
Housing Animations Stands Sponsors
Langue Française Langue anglaise
Date and Prices
The event will take place on 24 and 25 August 2013, from 9am saturday until sunday evening, nonstop !

You can sleep there saturday's night in your Twingo.
A camping area will also be built on the base for those who want to install a tent.

Prices :
Visitors and passengers, free admission.

2€/exhibitor Twingo.
The registration is valid for 2 days.
2€ ? Why ? To finance animations, games, rental toilets, etc...

Stands : 10€
The reservation is valid for 2 days. More infos on Stands page.
Affiche rassemblement 20 ans de Twingo